陈江杰,1990年生,华侨大学美术学院讲师。2021年毕业于台湾大同大学设计科学研究所,获设计学博士学位。2024年于江南大学设计学院博士后流动站出站,获博士后证书。担任International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction(SSCI/SCI)、BMC Psychology(SSCI)等期刊审稿委员。
Continuance Intention of Augmented Reality Textbooks in Basic Design Course. Education Sciences,11(5),1-16.(ESCI/ERIC);
A Study of Factors Influencing the Continuance Intention to the Usage of Augmented Reality in Museums. Systems,10(3),73.(SSCI);
Examining the Influence of Using First-Person View Drones as Auxiliary Devices in Matte Painting Courses on College Students’ Continuous Learning Intention. Journal of Intelligence,10(3),40.(SSCI);
Research on high school students’ behavior in art course within a virtual learning environment based on SVVR. Frontiers in Psychology,14.(SSCI);
Does ChatGPT Play a Double-Edged Sword Role in the Field of Higher Education? An In-Depth Exploration of the Factors Affecting Student Performance. Sustainability,15.(SSCI/SCI);
A Study on the Impact Mechanisms of Users’ Behavioral Intentions Towards Augmented Reality Picture Books for Adult Readers. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction,1-18.(SSCI/SCI);
Exploring Data Input Problems in Mixed Reality Environments: Proposal and Evaluation of Natural Interaction Techniques. Future Internet,16(5),150.(EI Compendex).